Living in a world of uncertainty can really make us lose our mojo. Retail therapy is a real thing! Often when we don’t have money to spend, we can feel down or find ourselves in a slump. This is never great, especially during this time when we need all the positivity we can get.

We are wired to want something new. We feel alive & often leave the house with a bounce in our step when we pop on that new jacket or wear a new handbag. It doesn’t take long before we lose the excitement and we are onto the next ‘new’ thing!

So how do we still get that buzz when we don’t have money in the bank? How do we make ourselves feel AMAZING without trawling the shopping malls?


1. Shop your own wardrobe 
You have so many items that you can re-invent. Play with your clothes. Start enjoying them again. Put on favorite music to create a creative vibe in your bedroom whilst doing this. Pull out your favorite piece, think about how many different combinations you can come up with. We often wear the same item in the same way. To change the combination requires too much time and thought so we end up sticking to our formula which we know works. Can you relate to this? If you can’t think, then try this with a pair of jeans. You will be surprised by how many options you come up with.

2. Re furbish items 
Change a button, hem a pant, or add a broach. Don’t be ‘helpless’ when it comes to minor alterations. Keep a needle & thread in your top draw. Grab your white T-shirt and add a few pearls or silver beads around the neckline. You will totally transform that item. You can unpick them at any time and bring it back to its original look. This way you feel like you have something new again.

3. Pinterest
Pop onto Pinterest for Style inspiration. If you have a pair of jeans in your wardrobe, Pinterest ‘outfits with jeans’. See what resonates with you and pull out similar items in your wardrobe. This way you will break out of your style rut.

4. Accessories
Go through your accessories and pull out items you haven’t worn in a while. Play with your necklaces or earrings and pair them differently. That square scarf which you were given as a gift…try tying it onto your handbag, or fold it in a triangle …tie it in a small knot at the back of your neck and allow it to scoop forward in a cowl. This will automatically transform your White T & jeans into a stylish outfit.

5. Shop Online
If all else fails and you can’t do the above, hop online, add to your cart BUT don’t check out, that way you will feel like you have been shopping but haven’t spent a cent!

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